As part of our Health Lifestyles theme, our construction project will be the development of a School Garden at Chan Chen elementary. Chan Chen is home to 194 pre-k to 6th grade. Our goal for the garden is to develop a outdoor educational area that can be used to learn about and grow flowers, herbs, and vegetables, raise chickens, and develop other opportunities for integrated curriculum in agriculture, biology, business, math, nutrition and other topics.
We have 100's of pictures from our first day at Chan Chen... below are just a few.
Below is the 'As Is' view of the garden site when we arrived at Chan Chen
Our garden team was incredibly creative in using a variety of existing materials on the site. Several old outdoor toilets, no longer in use, were torned down and many of the materials you'll see in the garden. A great lesson in reuse and sustainability!
Removing the doors
and door frames
Swinging a 3 lb mallet in really hot weather!
Taking the corrugated metal roofs off
You can create your own title here....
While building's were being disassembled, the garden site was being cleaned up and prepared for soil to arrive
Don't worry, we are highly trained in the use of machetes
The garden team provided great leadership, Matt Holden was our day one project manager and demonstrated tremendous leadership, no wait.. where's Matt?
He's over there somewhere...
and when Matt needed suggestions and advice from his Garden team, he could find them working hard or being one with each other.. below.
It was blazing HOT and SUNNY which required lots of hydration
and nourishment
Creative uses for the salvaged materials include builing benches and compost bins from old doors, garden beds from corrugated roofs, and cinder block...
Garden paths starting to take shape
After a great day of hard work it was back to the hotels for showers and some preparation for Monday's Easter Camps at Libertad and Chan Chen elementary schools
and a great dinner by the water
Gardening is perhaps one of the best hobbies that a more laborious nature lover can take up. The reason why I choose to call this hobby laborious is because it surely does involve a good deal of physical activity. This hobby is not meant for those nature lovers who simply want to bask in the natural beauty that already exists. Rather it is an ideal pass time for those who want to make their own contribution to the nature.